Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

A4Cloud (IP)

Participants : Mario Südholt [coordinator] , Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau, Rémi Douence, Hervé Grall, Jean-Claude Royer, Mohamed Sellami.

The A4Cloud project (Accountability for the Cloud) is an integrated EU project, coordinated by HP, UK, on the topic of accountability, that is, the responsible stewardship of private data, in the Cloud. This 42-months project started in Oct. 2012 and Ascola's funding amounts to 600 KEuro.

The project involves 13 partners: in addition to HP, two enterprises (SAP AG, Germany; ATC, Greece), a non-governmental organisation (the Cloud Security Alliance, CSA) and 9 universities and research organisations (EMNantes and Eurecom, France; HFU. Furtwangen, Germany; Karlstadt U., Sweden; U. Malaga, Spain; Queen Mary U., U.K.; U. Stavanger and Sintef, Norway; Tilburg U., The Netherlands).

A4Cloud focuses on accountability properties for the cloud and other future internet services as the most critical prerequisite for effective governance and control of corporate and private data processed by cloud-based IT services. The research being conducted in the project will increase trust in cloud computing by devising methods and tools, through which cloud stakeholders can be made accountable for the privacy and confidentiality of information held in the cloud. These methods and tools will combine risk analysis, policy enforcement, monitoring and compliance auditing. They will contribute to the governance of cloud activities, providing transparency and assisting legal, regulatory and socio-economic policy enforcement. For further information, see http://www.a4cloud.eu .

ASCOLA is mainly involved in the sub-projects on the enforcement of accountability and security policies, as well as tool validation efforts.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7


Participants : Adrien Lèbre [coordinator] , Mario Südholt, Gustavo Bervian Brand.

The vision of the Scalus (SCALing by means of Ubiquitous Storage) (MC international training network) was to deliver the foundation for ubiquitous storage systems, which can be scaled with respect to multiple characteristics (capacity, performance, distance, security, ...). Providing ubiquitous storage will become a major demand for future IT systems and leadership in this area can have significant impact on European competitiveness in IT technology. To get this leadership, it is necessary to invest into storage education and research and to bridge the current gap between local storage, cluster storage, grid storage, and cloud storage. During the four last years, the consortium proceeded into this direction by building the first interdisciplinary teaching and research network on storage issues. It consisted of top European institutes and companies in storage and cluster technology, building a demanding but rewarding interdisciplinary environment for young researchers.

The network involved the following partners: University of Paderborn (Germany, coordinator), Barcelona Super Computing (Spain), University of Durham (England), University of Frankfurt (Germany), ICS-FORTH (Greece), Universidad Polytecnica de Madrid (Spain), EMN/ARMINES (France), Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (France), XLAB (Slovenia), University of Hamburg (Germany), Fujistu Technology Systems (Germany).

The overall funding of the project by the European Union was closed to 3,3 MEUR. ASCOLA's share amounts to 200 KEUR. The project ended in October.